Shakespeare – Module 5: The Merchant of Venice – 18 of 20 – The quality of mercy.

In this session we will look more closely at another key scene in the play. this is Act 4 Scene 1 in which Portia (disquised) delivers a brilliant speech on the quality of mercy.

First let us familiarise ourselves with a summary of the scene.

Act 4 Scene 1 Summary
The court assembles for Antonio’s case. Shylock enters and demands that the debt to him be paid. He likens his right to have Antonio’s flesh as the same as Venetians’ rights to keep slaves and demands to be told whether he is allowed to claim this. Portia enters in disguise as a lawyer called Balthazar. She asks Shylock to be merciful, which he declines to do. Antonio prepares himself for death and says farewell to Bassanio. Just as it seems that Shylock will triumph, Portia reveals that he is only allowed to take the flesh if he does not shed any blood, as blood was not mentioned in the bond. Shylock is bound by Venetian law to give half of his wealth to Antonio. The other half will be seized by the state. Bassanio tries to repay “Balthazar” for his help, but Portia asks only for his gloves and his ring (which had been a gift from her). Bassanio tries to resist, but eventually gives in at Antonio’s urging.

Key quotations
“A stony adversary, an inhuman wretch” (The Duke on Shylock: IV.i.4)

“We all expect a gentle answer, Jew” (The Duke to Shylock: IV.i.34)

“Do all men kill the things they do not love?” (Bassanio to Shylock: IV.i.66)

“Wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice?” (Shylock: IV.i.69)

“Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly?” (Bassanio to Shylock: IV.i.121)

Task 1: watch the two versions of Portia’s speech and make a judgement about which you prefer. Be clear to support your judgement with detail about the use of language, expression, timing and stress on certain words.

Version 1
Version 2

Task 2: write down in full sentences which performance you prefer stating why

We are going to look in detail at the text, but before we do that it would be helpful to watch the next video that talks us through the scene.

Task 3: watch the explanatory video. There will be a quick quiz about this later

Now we will examine the text in detail.

Task 4: read the text and answer the questions on the document. You may find it helpful to look at the sparknotes site for a modern day translation.

Task 5: watch the Royal Shakespeare Company’s version of this scene

Task 6: complete the quick quiz based

Which one of the Duke’s criticisms refers to Shylock not being human?

an inhuman wretch

The Duke makes lots of criticisms of Shylock. What device is Shakespeare using?

The Duke uses asyndetic listing. It has the effect of piling on the negative aspects he feels about Shylock

What antonymns (opposites) can you find in these lines

I do oppose
My patience to his fury, and am armed
To suffer with a quietness of spirit
The very tyranny and rage of his.

patience and fury, quiteness and rage

What three animals does Shylock call Antonio?

a rat, a pig, a cat

What is Shylock’s reason for wanting the bond?

‘a lodged hate’ and ‘a certain loathing’ he bears Antonio

How does Bassanio describe Shylock?


What does he compare his purchase of Antonio’s flesh to that the Christians buy?


What does Bassanio offer Shylock?

his flesh, blood bones and all

How much money does Portia tell Shylock to take? a) all of it b) twice the amount c) three times the amount

c) thrice

What does Portia say are the consequences if a non-Venetian (someone not from Venice) tries to take the life of a citizen of Venice?

They will lose all their money, half goes to the state, the other half to the person they have offended, and the Duke shall decide what to do with the criminal

You now need to begin to develop a more detailed response about this scene. Choose one of the questions to write your own essay.

Task 7: Choose one essay from the 5 below and write your response. Refer back to the whole play and link to the themes of mercy and revenge.

1.How does Shakespeare present the theme of revenge?
2.Explain how far Shakespeare presents Portia as an empowered female character.
3. To what extent is Shylock presented as a sympathetic character.
4. Explain how violence is an important theme in the play.
5. Write about how Shylock’s character develops over the course of the play.

Well done you have now completed an in depth analysis of a key scene, and explored the quality of mercy.